WE need YOUR help updating CONTENT!

Posted: 2/8/22 | February 8th, 2022

Hey millet!

Yardımına ihtiyacımız var! Last year, we started updating all our destination guides. There are over 300 of them covering cities and countries around the globe. And, despite COVID, we were actually able to update many of them.

However, because the team and I are still restricted from traveling to a large portion of the world due to the pandemic, there is only so much we can do. There’s just a lot of information we can’t update because we’re not there, on the ground, taking notes.

So, I’m reaching out to ask for your help in looking over our guides and making sure they are as accurate as possible. We especially need help with:

Restaurant prices

Grocery prices

Ways to save money

Safety advice

Museums rarely come and go, and we can look at operating hours easily on their websites. but what about those things that continuously change that you can’t really Google?

For example, how much has the price of groceries gone up? how much is a dinner out? Bir bardak şarap? What’s the new local app that finds vehicle parking deals or campervan sites or is the local version of Uber? What are some hot new attractions or new ways to save money?

Things like that are what we need your help with.

We’re searching for locals with knowledge of the following destinations:






Cook Adaları



Fransız Polinezyası

Hong Kong







Yeni Zelanda










You can find a link to the guides here and see what we already have for your destination. While we list countries above, if we have a guide to your city in one of our country guides, we certainly want suggestions for there too. We need help with cities as well as countries as a whole.

If you live in one of our noted destinations, fill out this form with whatever suggestions and information you can.

As a thank-you for helping us, we’ll give you one of the following:

Two totally free months of Nomadic Matt Plus

50% off our company of blogging course

50% off the TravelCon virtual Pass

Three totally free guidebooks of your choice

Moreover, we’re going to do a draw and one person will win a $100 cash prize!

Bu kadar! Yardımlarınız için teşekkürler. If you have any questions, shoot me an email.

Samimi olarak,

Nomadic Matt

Book Your Trip: Logistical suggestions and Tricks
Uçuşunuzu ayırtın
Find a low-cost flight by using Skyscanner. It’s my favorite search engine because it searches sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Konaklamanızı ayırtın
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t forget travel Insurance
Travel insurance will safeguard you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s extensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it numerous times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

SafetyWing (best for everyone)

Seyahatimi sigortalayın (70’ten fazla olanlar için)

Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Ready to book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

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